The patient- how you can help

  • Patients should extend the same courtesy and politeness to the practice team as they would expect to receive.
  • Please remember that appointments are for one person only. Where another family member needs to be seen, even for the same symptoms, you need to make a separate appointment.
  • Whilst privacy will be respected by staff, patients should indicate whether they wish an appointment for routine information, i.e. test results, health checks etc.
  • Request repeat prescriptions in good time.
  • Seek help and advice for non-urgent conditions during normal surgery hours.
  • Value and respect advice on treatment.
  • Make every effort to be on time for appointments and to notify the practice, as soon as possible, if you are unable to keep the appointment.
  • Understand that it is not the receptionists’ fault if the doctor is delayed.

When you visit the surgery

  • You will be treated as an individual, with dignity, courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of your ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems. A patient’s need for privacy will be respected at all times.
  • Wherever possible, we will provide an area set aside for confidential conversations between patients and reception staff.
  • You will always be told to whom you are speaking when you telephone or visit the surgery.

Health promotion

  • We are committed to the policy of promoting good health and preventing disease.
  • There should be no smoking on the premises in order to ensure a smoke-free environment.
  • All children (whose parents have given consent) should be fully immunised.
  • If you have just joined the doctors’ list of patients, you will be offered a health check at the surgery.